
From being a patient to becoming a survivor of cancer, you have come a long way! We are here to help you experience your life beyond cancer with strength and positivity.

Did You Know?
After completing treatment at Shankara Cancer Hospitals, some of our survivors & warriors have built successful careers as best-selling authors, entrepreneurs and professors, bringing a positive impact in the lives of those around them!

What does it mean to be a cancer survivor?

To be a cancer survivor is to find strength in adversity, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth. The words “You are CANCER FREE!” from your doctor marks a significant victory, acknowledging the presence of illness and actively confronting it.

Embracing uncertainty
Being comfortable with an uncertain future pushes you to discover your hidden strengths.

Navigating this new phase of life and Embracing Normalcy:

As a survivor, you embrace life with newfound purpose and passion, appreciating every moment and exploring new avenues. While uncertainties may arise, your resilience and support network fuel your journey. The concept of normalcy alters a bit post-cancer, encompassing a balance between medical needs and daily life activities. 

You have weathered the rough seas of cancer with resilience and determination. The strength and support you have garnered for yourself through your network of allies will fuel your purpose going forth.

Caring for your health: Shankara Cancer Hospitals for the survivors

Life after cancer treatment requires ongoing care and attention. At Shankara Cancer Hospitals, we address the unique needs of cancer survivors. Our commitment to supporting survivors extends beyond treatment, offering follow-up appointments, survivor support groups, and practical advice for maintaining overall wellness.

Whether you have questions about managing long-term side effects, transitioning back to daily life, accessing supportive care services, or just need a bit of encouragement, we're always here to help.

  • Survivors Support Group Meetings: The Psycho-Oncology department organises survivors' support group meetings and provides essential counselling to address the common fear of cancer recurrence expressed by survivors during follow-ups
  • Improving quality of life: The Department of Physiotherapy provides Rehabilitation and Lymphedema management to cancer survivors to enhance their quality of life
  • Uplifting self-esteem: Our expert professionals sensitively address body image concerns to boost confidence in our brave survivors

I want to share my story of survivorship to inspire others. How do I do it?

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